Additional Services

If your Project involves a new build property or re-modelling of your existing property, Precise Projects can provide a Full Design Team Service, which will include the development of the Project Brief, Specification of Alterations/Finishes that you require, Management of the Tender or Quotation Process to ensure you appoint reputable building contractors, then we can provide a full Contract Management service, to ensure that the required standard of workmanship and statutory requirements are met throughout the Project duration.

There are also many other property related services that Precise Projects can offer:-

  • Estate Rationalisation and Conceptual Design
  • As Built Measured Surveys
  • Negotiating end of lease terms
  • Managing close-down of old premises 
  • Terminating contracts – Utilities, BT etc.
  • Dilapidation Surveys
  • Building works/cleaning to make good wear and tear
  • Business Case Writing
  • Storage Reviews